Bromley Healthcare (CIC)

Your Local DESMOND Coordination Team

Name: Victoria Wilson

Telephone: 07596 318 904


Times available: Monday to Wednesday 09:00 to 17:00, Thursday 09:00 to 13:00

Localities: DESMOND is currently being delivered throughout Bromley and Croydon. DESMOND held twice a month at Beckenham Beacon

Local Referral Pathway: Referrals received from GP Practice and Practice Nurse

Modules Delivered:

DESMOND Newly Diagnosed module available (for patients up to 12 months post diagnosis)


The Bromley Healthcare Diabetes Education service is a beacon of support and knowledge in the field of diabetes care. Committed to enhancing the lives of individuals living with diabetes, this dedicated team of healthcare professionals has been at the forefront of diabetes education and management in the Bromley community.

Our mission is to empower individuals with diabetes to lead healthier lives through education, guidance and personalised care.

We envision a community where diabetes is not an obstacle to a vibrant and fulfilling life. Through education and compassionate care, we aim to reduce the burden of diabetes and improve overall well-being.

Our sessions are led by Educators who are health professionals trained to ensure that you are provided with honest, up-to-date, evidence based information about the causes, effects and options for managing your diabetes.

Join us on the journey towards a healthier, diabetes-aware Bromley. Together, we’re making strides in the fight against diabetes, one patient at a time.

The Team

Super Admin

Victoria Wilson - Diabetes Education Facilitator

Available Mon, Tues, Weds 9am – 5pm, Thurs 9am – 1pm


Michelle Barratt (Diabetes service Lead)

Annette Broughton

Emma Smith

Marcia Mclaren

Jodie Stanford

Samuel Korneh

Gifty Selby

Claire Bethell

LondonMichael Bonar