Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust

Your Local DESMOND Coordination Team

Name: Northamptonshire Community Diabetes Team

Telephone: 03000 272282 / General Office Enquiries: 0300 027 2890


Times available: Normal office hours are Monday to Friday 09:00 to 17.00, and there is the option to leave voicemails and emails at all times. Our Team deliver Desmond courses Monday to Saturday and week day evenings.

Localities: Our Team provide Desmond courses across Northamptonshire : Kettering, Corby, Wellingborough, Northampton, Daventry

Local Referral Pathway: GP / Practice Nurse referral using SystmOne / EMIS Ardens Desmond referral template to Self-referral via diabetes education telephone number 03000 272282 or email to

Referral Criteria: Over the age of 18, for people with type 2 diabetes up to 9 months post diagnosis

Modules Delivered:

DESMOND Newly Diagnosed (face-to-face courses)

DESMOND Newly Diagnosed (virtual courses)

MyDESMOND – Type 2 Diabetes Management - Digital programme for people with Type 2 diabetes. Visit to find out more.


The Northamptonshire diabetes multidisciplinary team promote self-management to avoid acute and long-term complications of diabetes through personal clinic appointments and group-based education courses for people with diabetes and those who care for people with diabetes.  Our team provides a locality-based service of an educational and complex nature, we work collaboratively to support the delivery of excellent diabetes care with our colleagues working in the community and primary care.

Our well-established DESMOND team consists of diabetes specialist nurses, diabetes dietitians, diabetes support workers, lay educators and team administrators.

NHFT website:

East MidlandsMichael Bonar